Sree Prathiyangira
Sihma vakth roorthva keesim suulam muNdanjsa Srpam
damaru pujayuthaam kunthaLaa thukra thamshdraam - raktheesh
vaaliida jihvaam jvalatha nala kaayathri saavithri
yukthaam thyaayeeth praththiyangkiraam thaam maraNa
ripu vyaathi thaarithriya naasaam.

ChakkaraPongal, Sundal (Channa), Puliyodharai, Panakam.
Special Poojas
Amavasiya Pooja, RaahuKaala Pooja, during Sunday archana, being done with Pomagranite seeds (red).
Her devotees are protected from the evil effects of all forms of black magic, victory in court cases, destroying obstacles, creating unity between family members, by lighting oil lamps, doing kumkum archana and by doing Red Pomagranite seeds archana.
Prathiyangira is the form of Badrakali who is the wife of Sarabamurthy, who appeared to subdue Lord NarasimhaSwamy’s anger during his Narasimha Avatar. She is known as Prathyangira or UgraPrathyangira. Since she has terrifying form , she is known as Ugra and/ or SarabhaSakthi. She appeared from the burning embers from the forehead of SreeSarabeswarar. She is also known as AtharvanaBadrakali. All her mantras are to destroy and conquer enemies.
She appears with a thousand lion faces, two thousand hands with weapons, reddened eyes with a skull chain on her neck with her tongue hung out. She is the wife of SreeSarabeswarar.
Unlike her regular ferocious appearance, in this temple She
appears as a peaceful deity with a flame around Her crown, a
seven hooded Serpent and
a skull chain around Her neck with a bow, Kodali, serpent,
Trishul and Damarugam in her four hands andriding a
lion,which is her divine vehicle.
As the Goddess who is prayed in every village, town and city.She comes to the rescue of her devotees and protects as the divine Mother in various names and forms including Badrakali, Kolavizhi Amman, Karumari Amman, Mari Amman, Muthaar Amman, Vadivudai Amman. Such a Goddess is appearing as Prathyangira Devi in our temple.
அடைந்தாலும் பரிதவிப்போடு நீ துயரத்தில்
இருக்கையில் பக்கத்தில் நானிருப்பேன்.....
உன் கண்ணீர் நான் துடைப்பேன்!
Sunday To Saturday
6:00 AM - 10:30 AM
5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
6:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 8:30 PM
6:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
TIME: Fix appointment
at 10 a.m Every Sunday
Devotees Assemble
at 6.00 p.m
TIME: Every Tuesday
6.00 p.m - 8.00 p.m
Devotees Perform
Lalitha Sahasranama